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Facultad de Ciencias en Física y Matemáticas


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Dr. Mario Alberto Aguirre López

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Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences

Institution that grants the degree: Autonomous University of Nuevo León

SNII Level: I



CFD simulation; Mathematical modelling; Sports engineering; Applied optimization; Construction of algorithms


Most important contributions of his scientific career:

Development of mathematical models for engineering mathematics, mainly related to the aerodynamics of bluff bodies.



Three-year postdoctoral stay at the Autonomous University of Chiapas - Faculty of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Mexico. Two years of teaching at the National Technological Institute of Mexico (TecNM) - campus Nuevo León, Mexico, for undergraduate studentes in diverse areas of Engineering. Co-advisor of thesis of two degree and two master students (some of them in progress). Organiser of several online training workshops for undergraduated and master students. Leader of one national financed project (TecNM) and co-leader of one international financed project (Royal Society). Author of about 20 peer-reviewed published papers and 3 divulgation articles.


Additional data:

Member of the National Systems of Researchers of Mexico (SNII), level 1. Winner of the Symmetry 2024 Travel Award, Symmetry, MDPI. Frequent reviewer for several scientific journals.


Published articles and more info at: